Here you can find our customer service contacts as well as key documents and manuals together with useful outside links.
Enter the client information system
Operational questions Phone: +372 6006 161 E-mail: klienditugi@hhla-tk.ee Working hours: Monday - Sunday 24h
Truck servicing at the container terminal - information is available on the "important information" page.
Container terminal traffic scheme (Gate 440)
General Cargo traffic scheme (Gate 490)
General Cargo traffic scheme (Gate 410)
RoRo traffic scheme (Gate Ro-Ro)
Truck appointment procedure from 01.01.2023
Driver's reminder
Weighting procedure on scales
Tariffs and terms for weighting on scales from 01.01.2023
Electronic documents procedure
Safety instructions for an employee of a company operating on the territory of HHLA TK Estonia AS
Closing a transit document procedure from 01.01.2023
Code of Conduct
Supplier Code of Conduct
Paper form to enter the territory
Evacuation plan
Port of Tallinn
AS Operail
Estonian Railways Ltd
Estonian Tax and Customs Board
Weather conditions in Muuga Port
Ships arriving to cargo harbours
Port Community System